I am really enjoying this blog thing. Not necessarily me writing (although I do like to do that), but all of the great blogs I've been finding as a learn the art of couponing. Several times a day I go down my blog list to see if anyone has written anything new, and I am always blessed...I'm really getting to know these people, and enjoying every minute of it!
Over the last few days I've especially been reading the menu plans that the lady bloggers have been putting up and I'm getting ideas for new menus here in our household. I don't know how many times I've said over the last several months to Jeff how bored I've gotten with our recipes - not only am I learning how to be a better steward of our money, but I'm finding some great recipes, too! I have to also mention I feel like I've made some new friends as well.
Today was a partially productive day. This morning while my kiddos were at VBS I mowed the lawn. Our yard takes me about 1 1/2 hours to mow, and today was no exception. It was extremely warm and humid! After the kids got home for lunch, we made grilled cheese salsa sandwiches and had chips on the side. Then it was off to our pool in the backyard to let the kids cool off. After they had played for about half an hour, their friends stopped by to play and decided to swim too. They stayed for about an hour, so thankfully I had enough reading to do! After they were done swimming we came back inside and I worked on the next week's menu and prepped for dinner. I made grilled chicken (with my new McCormick's rub I snagged for about a dollar after sale and coupon!) and also grilled russet and sweet potatoes. I also had some leftover peas from a previous meal. After dinner, Jeff left for softball and I had several things to take care of. I folded laundry, brought it out to the camper, emptied out under the sink in the camper (so Jeff could fix the board that is failing), came back inside and started paying bills, cut Jeff's hair when he got home from softball, and finished paying bills. Whew! Tomorrow is going to be even busier! The kids and I all have dentist appointments in the afternoon for our annual cleaning (they also have VBS still in the morning and I still need to do homeschool planning for the youngest). After the dentist, we're meeting Jeff in town at Arby's to get their 5 for $5 roast beefs, and then have some more sale shopping to do at Menard's, Kohl's, and a truckload sale at our local grocery store. Can't wait to see what kind of deals I can get and add to my savings!
How to Keep Your Children Safe Online
6 months ago
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